Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Responsive Design, why is it so important

Responsive Design, why is it so important?

Using a responsive design you will ensure that your viewers experience your site in the best (and most professional) way even from their smartphone. This is why you should want a mobile-friendly interface

Responsive design
Why your site's design should be responsive?

Responsive design has quickly become a core concept of web graphics. Modern site offer impactful, engaging and fully immersive experiences on mobile devices, as more and more traffic is generated from smartphones and tablets. Your webpages must be accessible and professional from any platform and resolution in order to keep up with today's standards.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Cri8ive Blog - Hello, World...

Cri8ive Blog - Hello, World...

Welcome to Cri8ive Blog, where creativity and ideas find voice and color.

Happy birthday, Cri8ive Blog. 

Let me tell you, it feels strange to write on a personal platform again, when I spent the last twenty years writing for third-party clients. During the last two decades I have been in charge of the editorial contents of portals, websites and magazines, and I've lost count of all the articles, reviews and newsletters I've signed (or not - ghostwriting is part of what I do). I taught myself the intricacies of SEO and worked hard as a copywriter, in italian and sometimes in english. I wanted to get my own personal blog started, but somehow I could never quite give it a true identity or a shape that had me go "Yeah, that's it! That's how I want my blog to feel like!"

Why a blog?