Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Cri8ive's guide to Christmas Shopping


Cri8ive.it's guide to Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping is drawing to a close, and Cri8ive has selected some nifty gift ideas for creatives everywhere. 

Christmas gifts are your personal bane? Cri8ive's here to help.

12/22/2024: I am terribly sorry for taking so long to publish this post. It should have gone up last week, and with just a few days left before Christmas it feels all kinds of anticlimatic to put it up now - but I had promised it'd go live and Cri8ive keeps her word. Unfortunately, these days have been pretty hectic and I'v not been physicaly able to finish it before.

We're almost there, gang - less than a week to Christmas, and the shopping rush is drawing to a close. However, shopkeepers and retailers all over the world may tell you tha these last few days are by far the most frantic. Some customer will wait until the very last minute, numbed by having to choose between so many options; others may have to last-minute shop for an unforeseen and unprogrammed present, and some may just as well wait for the best deals. Choosing the perfect Christmas gift is no easy feat; there's no such thing as a a fit-for-all answer. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

Cri8ive's 2024 Christmas Promo

 Cri8ive.it's 2024 Christmas Promo

This holiday season discover the four special offers in Cri8ive's 2024 Christmas Promo; there's a deal for each and all.

It's that time of the year again, but it wouldn't be Christmas (or Yule, Hannukah, or any other winter holiday) without presents. So to kickstart the festive season, Cri8ive is offering not just one but four exclusive deals that will, I hope, cover all needs and meet all budgets. So without further ado, let's find out what's in this year's Cri8ive stocking. Starting with...

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Upcoming news on Cri8ive.it

Upcoming news on Cri8ive.it

Although both the blog and the Social profiles have been scarcely updated in the last few months, Cri8ive.it is in full activity and about to launch many cool new contents in the next weeks.

Big news brewing for Cri8ive.it

If I was to describe the drawing-to-a-close 2024 in a word, hectic would be it. Ever since I launched Cri8ive.it last February, there's not been a single dull moment as projects and works-in-progress multiplied all around. This is the reason why some of you may have noticed that my presence on the Cri8ive Blog and Social Networks has been so scarce - quite simply, because I was working on my client's requests. And over these months several cool new projects have seen the light - one more exciing and colorful than the next.